Matted Ears

looka_production_82728563 • Mar 19, 2023

Capillary Oozing Caused by Matting on Dogs' Ears

The ear tips of dogs are filled with tiny blood vessels called capillaries. These can sometimes bleed awhile after grooming. The reason for this is because the mats that were there before grooming restricted blood supply to the ears much like that feeling of having a very tight pony tail in your own hair but for a long time. The lack of blood flow can cause the skin to be a little bit thinner in the area so when the mats are gently removed by the groomer (Ruth) there is a surge of blood back to the ear tips. When your dog feels the relief of having less weight and more air on the ears it can feel a bit strange to them. It can cause them to shake their heads a lot, but remember that rush of blood to the capillaries in the ear and the thinner skin ? This can cause the little capillaries to burst and the ear to bleed. The most important thing to do is try not to panic. Most bleeding stops on its own in a few minutes. If you are worried or there is a particularly large area that has bled , take a clean dry paper towel and apply pressure to the area. Have a look after about two minutes the bleeding should have slowed down, and by five minutes it should have stopped. If it has not stopped or a large collection of blood under the skin starts to form in the next few hours call your vet as this is a haematoma that they will need to see. 

Written by vet Megan Quigley MVB MRCVS for Bark'n'Style.

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